We can supply custom replacement aggregate/cement batchers/scale from the smallest scale to the largest custom scale that designed to fit in your existing equipment. Let us evaluate your needs and quote a replacement batcher/scale to meet your current and future needs. We can also replace and upgrade your existing aggregate feed systems including rotary distributors, automated aggregate handling control and conveying systems.
Contact Remcon about your aggregate / cement bin and batcher replacement for a customized replacement engineered to fit your specific needs. Optional materials and liners are available upon request.

We can do a complete turn key replacement with our experienced crew with very little down time

Replacement bins/options

replacement bins and batchers

We can supply custom replacement aggregate bins from the smallest bin to the largest custom bins that are built to be shipped in the most economical size to ship. Let us evaluate your needs and quote a replacement bin to meet your current and future needs. We can also replace and upgrade your existing aggregate feed systems including rotary distributors, automated aggregate handling control and conveying systems.

Replacement batcher/scale